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Deleted 104 days ago

wow who hurt you?


the fish 


is that a reason to hate on the game?


nah not really i was upset because the last fish was too hard tho, the game athmosphere is so good


ah okaaay i thought you were just hating for no reason, the last fish is really hard but its kinda luck based in some aspects (i saw people play who found it easy) so its not an easy fix sadly :/  

thank you for liking the atmosphere tho! we worked hard on that


Interesting atmosphere and implied story. 

The fishing mechanism is quite rough, and being the only activity in the game it could use some improvements : the progress while the fish is in the circle should be faster and the loss while outside slower; for several times the circle ended up outside of the field of view, especially when fishing too close to the boat. 

As it is now it drags the game, stretching what could be a ten minutes tight experience into a potentially endless frustrating chore 


we know but as it was a made as challenge to make a game in only 2 weeks it would be wrong to change it later. thanks for the feedback tho!


Amazing fishing sim! You catch a lot of interesting stuff and controls were amazing, felt like real fishing experience ;)


thanks a lot!!!!!


amazing? How? Controls are HARD, after mourning tide went in, it was impossible to catch anything, fish was just flying everywhere and keeping it steady was beyond me. This is a first time I ever seen it being that hard, and I've played a lot of fishing themed games. So far, the best fishing mechanic was in Dredge. Maybe I'm just a whiny casual, lol


Well, I guess my inner fisherman just woke up and that's why it felt so easy for me xD


The real horror was trying to get the last head.



Deleted post

thanks a lot!



thanks for making a video!


The baby was so loud i had to mute whole game and my parents were very confused, good game overall.


thank you, the baby was that loud to make the player even more uncomforable!

well it worked i was quite uncomfortable

bazinga grimace from ohio skibidi rizz

game pissed me off dident like it theres one part the fish move way to fast i couldn't keep up wasted me  like almost 50 mins then i rage quit


bro... same lol




Really enjoyed the game - really different.






This was a pretty neat game! I wish it was longer but thats ok! Good work!

thank you!


Hey Hello there guys, Loved the game concept, would love to see this updated with more features :) You can check my full review at the end of my video.


thanks a lot!!!


It was super fun, I'll be lurking in the shadows for more from you guys :3


thank you so much ^__^


i really enjoyed the game, it was short but i really enjoyed it really good game
the dev did a good job!


thanks a lot!!!!!!!



Awesome game! Great job in implementing your own story with an out of the box idea. Fishing will never be the same for me.

thanks a lot!!!!! 

It looks really cool, unfortunately I was unable to finish bc I don't understand the fishing. I thought moving in the opposite direction of the fish would bring it back into the circle, but it seems to move wildly after moving the pole too far, bouncing back and forth. But if I try to move the pole just a little, I can't bring the fish back in the circle fast enough. I got stuck after catching the tentacle. Maybe a description of how to fish on this page would help, in case I missed something

thank you for the feedback!

I loved it, short, simple, creepy and fun! also I really liked the designs of the fish/monsters, really cool game

thank you!

Somehow this was creepy and relaxing all at the same time. Great game! :)

thank you for making a video!

Deleted 100 days ago

Great game, Very creepy

thanks a lot for making a video!

Pretty Cool Game. I enjoyed the uniqueness of it. Its the first game in the video

thank you for including it in your vid!

a very strange game, just the way I like it

thank you!!!

Seas whisper secrets and to the tales untold...WHO'S BABY IS THIS?!  Youtube Link -

thanks for making a video on our game!

Great little fish game! I enjoyed it!

thank u!

intresting idea, like the graphics, but it was a litlle hard to actually fishing, only my skill issue

thank you!

cool game. unsettling and creepy

thank you for making a vid!

no lie this game was making me rage lol idk if it was a skill issue (prob) put i couldnt finish the game lol

thank u for making a video XD and no worries about not finishing it, the fishing is pretty hard

Literally two days ago, I was thinking about making a horror game, the idea of which was exactly similar to your idea, and today I was checking if there was a game similar to it, and I found your game. I don’t know if I will continue with the idea, but I will try to make it more different but thanks for making the idea real

That's super cool!!!! great minds think alike XD please notify me if you end up making it, id love to check it out!

Really good at making the player absolutely disturbed. I like how simple and straightforward it is and yet it explains nothing XD. Fishing mechanic reminds me of Stardew Valley except more stressful (which is a good thing). Overall, really cool and bizarre game, good job! It's the first one on my video.


thanks a lot!!! glad you enjoyed the game :)

great game ! 

thank you!

Sick idea, very well done!

thanks a lot!!!

that was great, well done!

thank you!

the controls when u catch something annoys me but overall its a good/weird game

thank you, sorry the controls annoyed you

No esperaba que el juego fuera tan retador, aun asi, me gusto mucho por ese final

thank you for makinga  video!

It is a lovely game let down by the most atrocious fishing mechanic I have ever encountered.  Otherwise, terrific.

thank you, what would you improve about the fishing?

The relationship between the player and the fish feels completely unreliable.  I almost quit the game at multiple points because of how frustrating the fish behavior was.  Every other aspect of the game is very strong, so this is just a shame.

W good game

thanks a lot!

Those cursed images are going to haunt me XD.  Great little game, keep it up!!

Thanks a lot! 


my fish is out of the circle again.


This has one of the dumbest fishing mechanics I've ever experienced. Legit just terrible 


well how would you improve it?

The aesthetic is really cool, but I personally would like to have a little more control over the actual fish. It seems as though it arbitrarily bounces out of the circle, even if you try and anticipate it's movement.  

oh yeah were aware of that problem, sadly our programmer doesnt have the time to fix it right now (he is busy with another project)


Well, keep up the good work! I look forward to your future projects.


This is a repost, its the second game in my video :)



thank u for making a video!

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