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Fishing Nightmare!

was having trouble with the fishing but really cool ide

thank u!




Great Game!

thanks a lot!

That would’ve been the LAST thing I thought I would catch on a fishing trip. Took me by surprise!


thanks a lot for making a vid!


Good Job

thank u!

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10/10 weird af

thanks a lot for making a vid!!!!!

hi ,, do u want to make a collab ??

wich one of us are you asking? we made it as a team you can see the credits above!

ok ,, so the question is for the team ,, im a  horror /atmospheric  music producer so i think  that i can make a track for ure next game

Honestly didn’t know what to expect, but it made for a good game. I was uneasy and the fishing was challenging but manageable. Definitely worth the play!

thanks a lot !!!!

Gets a bit too hard trying to get the big boulder looking fish

thats on purpose, that one is optional!


Honestly I loved it!

Thanks a lot!


The tide was INSANE!

thank you for making a vid on our game!


it was a awesome game! freaked me out a bit so that was awesome


Hello! We are looking for a contact email to offer to bring this game to Nintendo Switch!! Could you please provide us with an email address? Thanks!!!

Hello, we would be very interested! Contact for the project producer : . I will be looking forward to your mail!:)


Many thanks!!

this was something else 


thank u for making a video! hope you enjoyed our game!

Awesome game! Had a big Lovecraft feel, which I love. Thank you for making this!

thank you! making it slightly Lovecraftian was my goal as the art director, im happy that people are noticing that! thanks a lot for making a video!

Fun Game. I really liked how the atmosphere changed over time as you caught the fish. 

thank you!

I enjoy fishing in games. Its one of my favorite things to waste time on so when I saw this game of course I was interested :) The fishing mechanics drove me crazy but the uneasiness of the environment and the surprise of what creepy thing id be catching next made it worth playing . The ending was very deep and I think works really well . Very nice little game !


thank you so much!!! glad you enjoyed our little game!

I love the sounds that were used in the game and the designs for the fish!


thanks a lot! :)

Full Game Above^^

really enjoyed the unique concept here and the visuals were brilliant not gonna lie i almost rage quit because of the fishing mechanic felt there could of been a little more control when trying to catch the fish but all in super fun little game was there more than one ending?

thanks a lot! glad you enjoyed our game! amd theres only one ending!

(1 edit)

The concept is cool but I feel like there was too little before the poem at the end to really give you an idea of what the fisher's guilt may have been and then the poem spelt it out too clearly imo

hi, thanks for the feedback! were fully aware of this but as it was a challenge to make a game in 2 weeks we sadly didnt have time to add more lore :( there were plans of adding items you fish out like a wedding ring or some flowers, but there was no time to implement them :(

That's fair, really cool what you guys made in that time!


That’s literally the Stingray that killed Steve Irwin. 


Close! That is actually a 3d model of a stingray with a face on its back we made for our game, it has many meanings and interpretations but Steve Irwin's death was not supposed to be one of them.


Yes, this is him.

Incredibly odd game, but I really like the concept and idea, plus nice designs

thanks a lot for making a video on our game, I look forward to watching it! and thank you for appreciating the designs!


just wonderful and peaceful fishing

thank you for making a letsplay of our game!

Aside the...machinic of the fish it was fun and eerie..

what did you not like about the fishing? 

I had some troubles with fishing itself (but I was never born to hunt for my own food, I admit) but absolutely love how the environment grows more sinister, together with the audio, it was so effective and something I don’t see often in shorter indie games. 

I know that other things were the main focus but the way the sea and the sky progressed was my favourite part, it was so gorgeous and scary.

Thanks a lot! My main focus as the art director was precisely that! Ithink we  as a team paid a lot of attention to the slow progression and escalation of the atmosphere :D


It really showed. Also, one of my viewers (Capybaraforge, who I also mention in the video because the game reminded me a little of his work which I adore) was absolutely amazed by the game. 


Thats absolutely crazy to me! again, thanks a lot to both you and him :)



BIG thanks for making the letsplay :D

the pleasure is all mine! great job on creating this great game!

looking forward to seeing more of your work.

This game was "deep" without any puns.
A perfect example of how your maddened mind can shift your reality into madness in a saddening manner. 5/5 stars!

Its the second game in my video.

thank you! glad the message of the game is easy to read, showing that descend into madness was one of our goals!

Great horror game. Really interesting. 

thank you for making a vid about out game :)

Magnifico juego me encanto

thank u for making a video on our game!

Really enjoyed the game! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for making a video on our game :)


Got annoyed with the fifth fish or so and quit. Make them less tedious to catch


The difficulty is a part of the game, we feel like it adds to the atmosphere. Its also very individual as a few people said they found the game eazy. Better luck next time, we wish you peaceful waters! :)

It defo gets too hard I had to as well. It is genuine feedback. Shame though was really liking it! :)

I understand it gets a little hard but i discussed it with our programmer and sadly it would be too hard to fix (hes busy with another project right now) so it will have to stay this way for now. thanks a lot for the feedback, i hope i didnt seem mean in my previous reply.

No worries at all! I just dont know if it was as very few individuals haha! Great work though! Keep it up! I was just not destined to catch the fish haha! :)

L gatito

This game is a hidden gem. It was quite unpredictable and very unsettling at times. Great game, hoping for more games like this!

Thanks for making a video on our game! Glad you enjoyed it :)

got a lil mad on my stupidity. nevertheless great ambiance and psychological horror lore behind it

Thank you for making a video, means a lot to us!

NP! Keep making games! I love you guys

고기 잡는게 너무 어려웠어요ㅠㅠ 근데 물고기가 아니였어?!!

흥미로운 게임이네요

Thank you for making a video on our game! 

This was surprisingly creepy and quite intriguing to play! I had a lot of fun being tense, the fishing was challenging but not too frustrating, and I did enjoy it. Good length of time and definitely worth playing.

Keep up the good work, hope you guys keep on making games!

Thanks a lot! Your kind words mean a lot to us :)

A good fishing horror game. I especially loved the poem in the end. Good luck with what you have next.

Glad you liked the poem, a little funfact: it was written by our producer Maru ! :D

I definitely felt the Lovecraftian vibes from this one. Some of the fish were a bit tough to catch, but it was a really awesome game for being made in only two weeks!

Glad you picked up on the Lovecraftian vibe, that was exactly what I intended! Thanks a lot for making a video on our little game! :)



Hi Ezez , how are you?

Hi Ezez how are you?


One of the best I've played so far on this website, not kissing anyone's balls, just a fact!

Thank you so much !!! Means a lot to me and the team :)

(7 edits)

I really enjoy the graphics, gameplay and atmosphere

thank you!!

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