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Would've been nice to have the circle for catching bigger, a different mechanic for that kind of stuff or something completely different. But with how it is I gave up after the water turned red because the "fish" were way too sporadic.


I loved the art style of the game and everything. Simplicity, they loneliness. Everything is perfect. However, I couldn't finish the game because of the difficulty. I really gave my all and tried to catch more fish but my arm was kind of getting painfully tiring. I don't know if it's deliberate to be this hard but still, I don't think it serves the purpose of the game. 

Very good job done, I hope you guys make more and better games in future so that I can play <3 

Deleted 191 days ago

Thank you for checking it out! :)

Just like Lovecraftian poem, this was bizarre and fascinating! 

Superb job on the game. I loved the style of this, the design of the fish, the simple sound scape and intriguing story. I would say, this might be one of the best fishing/horror games I've ever played. There are some things that can be implemented, some little update that can be made, but overall, great job! 

Best of luck with the future developments. Cheers to the team 👏


Thank you so much! Im really glad people are picking up on the slight Lovecraftian themes because that was one of the main inspirations! (big fan of his work!) What things would you implement? Were always looking for constructive criticism :)

Thanks for asking. Well, I did play the game. Sadly, I didn't have time to record it and showcase on my channel, but I did watch the playthrough by Fearagen, a friend of mine and I noticed couple of things with the animation and collision - well, the fishing rod seems a bit wobbly, looks like a rubber tube, rather than an actual stick, you know. I also felt that maybe the player can be directed a bit from the start, because you aimlessly wonder around looking for fish. The last thing is probably the most "gamer" thing to say - I wish it was a bit longer, maybe 20-30 minutes or so. But again, those are very minor issues, which can be easily improved upon with time. 
Overall, like I said, this is one of the best fishing/horror games I've played, ever and I play a lot of games lol. Best to your time, once again 🙌

Thanks a lot for the feedback! Im unsure if we plan on developing the game further, since it was a 2 week challenge project, but the feedback people have been giving is really motivational! Im super happy with what we made! Maybe we will develop it more.. we will see where the current takes us...

Perfektní hra! Takhle si představuju hru Dredge, kdyby byla z pohledu první osoby. Design potvor je top.  

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Díky moc! :)

Pretty Good! Made a video on it.

Thank you!


This was pretty good! Loved how it got creepier and creepier over time with the water/atmosphere changing. Also loved how the difficulty spiked as it went along too. Made a video on it.


Thank you for making a video on our game! Glad you enjoyed it :)

It is really really good game! its a short game its nice to play in one sitting it has awsome graphics and very good sound direction. it brings a nice chill. oh and the sea turning into blood the terrible bloody rain and the guilt of the fisherman slowly showing frew every fish you catch with the absolutley schreeching noises is WILD was just muuuah chefs kiss!! im very obssesed of  how everything was changing over time not only the sea but with the fish getting worse and worse. it all slowly building up to the ending that was wonderfull the poem at the end is also very nice

 its a very interesting horror game for me 10/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope only more and more pepole will play this!

 catching the fish was sometimes a struggle and the rod goes inside the boat sometimes but its not making the expirance any worse!


Thank you, KnightFreak20000 XD !!!


The game you created was very interesting!The eerie atmosphere and the sea change was a very nice presentation for a horror game.The fact that the fishing line was not pulled at all when the fish was caught at the end made it even more eerie.Thanks for a great game!I look forward to your next one as well.I am Japanese and my English is not very good. Sorry if my language is strange.

Thank you for making a video on our game! I watched the whole thing with subtitles on :D  LOVED your reaction on the worm/eel, super funny! :)

This was an awesome game my dude. Very fun catching all those vicious fishes, but damn some of the last ones were BRUTAL!! I loved how the storm kept getting worse and the water slowly became blood, that ending was amazing and unexpected. I recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow!

Thank you so much for playing our game! Im glad you picked up on the eldrich almost lovecraftian themes - as the art director that's what I was going for! :)


Un pescador lleno de remordimientos se aventura en aguas desconocidas, cada captura revela inquietantes sucesos de sus pecados pasados, desvela el misterio y busca la redención o déjate consumir por la marea del luto...

Muchas gracias por compartir el juego, me ha gustado mucho el giro del final.

¡Muchas gracias por jugar nuestro juego!


great game, love the graphics ngl fits nicely into the atmo of the story, but can i please ask what kind of fucking odds were on that one head fish dude LIKE I LEGIT SPENT 1496400 MINUTES JUST TRYING TO FINISH THE GAME AND I GOT NO OTHER FISH AND THAT WEIRDO WHO KEPT LEAVING THE CIRCLE THIS IS WORSE THAN LEAGUE FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH



thank you for playing our game, and thank you again for making a video on it!


awesome game...tried to speedrun all% but that one stupid fish i just canht catch it its ruining all my relationhwships and career and life! fuck you, 10/10

this was a cool mini game ... i might want to talk to the guy who programmed the fishing ... in private ... in an empty alley ... :D jokes aside i made a vid of it for my channel , hope you enjoy it :)

Thank you so much for making a video on our game! I loved every minute, super funny :) 

No worries that you couldn't catch that one fish, its optional and I couldn't even catch it myself! :D


i knew there was something FISHY about the last one :D

Kuba, our programmer, is evil! as SHRIMPle as that! :D

ah i sea what you did there :D

you CAUGHT me off guard with that one! XD

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I am Jesus Idk why this happen but the game was very good I like it anyway well done keep it up!


Thank you for playing our game! Our programmer will have to look at that issue. We can't have any new saints showing up in the comments! :D

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