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I played this in my 3 scary games series and well i think i  missed the point but i loved it.



What a beautiful, bizarre and great game! Keep up the awesome work!


This was really cool I didn't expect that ending thought!

I unfortunately missed something, but it was still fun and the story got really dark. Very good!


this looks fun i will not be playing it


Great concept and game. The story at the end was touching...





I played this for my 3rd game in my video 3 scary games. I really enjoyed the build up and getting ready for a scare and got hit with emotional damage instead

Perfectly creepy, loved the ending. 


NGL one of the hardest fishing mechanics I've ever played.

However now I'm prepared to catch a Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Loved the game it was fun and creepy great job.


Even though it is difficult to fish, I am glad I had this experience of catching some! 

Fun fact: I never fished before:


love the fishing minigame




The game is a little challenging but the creepy vibes and fishing def make it worth playing!

This one was...different.  I was both entertained and highly disturbed.


literally made no sense at all the fishing mechanics are weird i expected to reel in myself but nooo you gotta move the rod around and sometimes it bugs and the fish end up going all over not scary at all.


Strange but fun game, fishing a little difficult but not to bad, I liked the slight environmental changes that happened while playing as well, had a good time all in all.
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